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Natural Organic Reduction, also known as body composting, accelerates the natural decomposition process by using materials that create an ideal environment to gently transform a body into nutrient rich compost. The composting takes place in a vessel with natural materials like alfalfa and wood chips that create the right Carbon: Nitrogen ratio.
The timeframe for the process will vary with the individual, but a general estimate is that it takes about 8 weeks to complete the composting process.
Natural Organic Reduction is legal in 12 states. California legalized Natural Organic Reduction under bill AB 351. Natural Organic Reduction will be available to Californians beginning in 2027.
The composting process results in a cubic yard of compost. California is developing regulations, but in states where Natural Organic Reduction is already in practice, typically composted remains are regulated similarly to cremated remains. The compost can be used to plant trees, flowers, or ornamental plants. Compost can also be donated to a land trust.
Natural Organic Reduction utilizes the Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP). The composting process creates heat and by heating up to temperatures of at least 131 F for extended periods of time, pathogens are eliminated and pharmaceuticals are inactivated.